Buy Fabric Fabric News The difference between T-shirts and POLO shirts (the difference between these two types will increase your knowledge)

The difference between T-shirts and POLO shirts (the difference between these two types will increase your knowledge)

In summer, men in science and engineering will definitely have their own short-sleeved shirt However, short-sleeved shirts , there are also POLO shirts and T-shirts? I guess many m…

In summer, men in science and engineering will definitely have their own short-sleeved shirt

However, short-sleeved shirts , there are also POLO shirts and T-shirts? I guess many men in science and engineering don’t understand

Because men in science and engineering basically swim in the ocean of their own professional knowledge, or swim in online and mobile games, haha

Today, as the editor of a science and engineering man, I would like to introduce the differences between the two to increase knowledge

No further talk, let’s get straight to the point


Differences in collars

The collars of Polo shirts are all lapel designs, and the collar texture is relatively hard. Easily flip up


Style Different

Polo shirts are generally more professional style, while T-shirts are more casual style


Difference in hem

T The hem of the shirt is directly hemmed, and the hem of the POLO shirt is slit on the left and right sides, with the slit being about 5cm



The waist is different

Usually POLO shirts have a waist design, and T-shirts are straight Design

The above is the difference between POLO shirts and T-shirts. When wearing them, you can choose according to the wearing occasion.

This article is from the Internet, does not represent 【】 position, reproduced please specify the source.

Author: clsrich
