Buy Fabric Fabric News This little mechanism on the sweatshirt (what is this hat string for?)

This little mechanism on the sweatshirt (what is this hat string for?)

Autumn is about to enter, T-shirts are slowly entering the wardrobe, and sweatshirts are about to appear Some You will find that there are two hooded sweatshirts. After seeing it t…

Autumn is about to enter, T-shirts are slowly entering the wardrobe, and sweatshirts are about to appear

Some You will find that there are two hooded sweatshirts. After seeing it too much, you will get used to its existence.

However, many people may not Knowing what the hat string is for, it seems to exist as a matter of course

Many people think this hat string is strange, and even think it is an obstruction

For example, sometimes, it is there before washing the clothes, but disappears after washing the clothes!

Today, the editor will explain the use of this artifact’s hat string

1. Beautiful

The first thing many people have guessed is that the hat rope has a decorative function! Generally, sweatshirts are simple and youthful, so it is easy to look monotonous, especially solid color sweatshirts.

However, after adding two hat ropes, the sweater became lively. The two hat ropes swayed when walking, and it looked like It’s too youthful!

2. Design

Nowadays hat ropes will not have a very monotonous design. Many sweatshirts will have a sense of design on the hood rope. For example, widen the cross-section of the rope and print letters or other small decorations on it

3. Keep warm

To make your sweatshirt more windproof, you only need to tighten the rope, so handsome guys can do this if their necks are cold!

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Author: clsrich
