Buy Fabric Fabric News Gray cloth prices rise! Some are happy and some are sad?

Gray cloth prices rise! Some are happy and some are sad?

In this season of “gold, three, silver and four”, gray fabrics, no matter what kind, are showing a prosperous scene! Gray fabric products are all produced in a queue. T…

In this season of “gold, three, silver and four”, gray fabrics, no matter what kind, are showing a prosperous scene! Gray fabric products are all produced in a queue. The bosses all smiled happily. The author also saw in the circle of friends that someone got the news in the morning, but before taking the samples at noon, the cloth had already been snatched away by other customers.

To investigate the reasons, the author has made the following two brief analyses

On the one handAt the end of 2017, Wujiang District’s “Three Waters are Treated Together” and Shengze Town’s “Clear Water and Blue Sky” Since the implementation of the rectification plan, water-jet looms in Shengze Town have been actually eliminated17064, accounts for 30%, and Jiaxingis even more Stopped 60% of the weaving factories. The reduction of textile machinery has reduced production capacity, and the supply of gray fabrics has exceeded demand, leading to price increases. On the other hand, the rising cost of production raw materials, rising labor wages, and increasing cost pressure will also have a certain impact on the rise in gray fabric prices. After these two-pronged impact , grey cloth is invincible.

As we all know, at present “environmental protection” issues have received great attention. Similarly, under this environmental storm, dyeing factories across the country are facing closures, relocations, and production restrictions. These heavily polluting factories will be converted into clean energy production. When it comes to the increase in raw materials, the dyeing fee has also been notified of an increase!

Grey fabrics are rising, and dyeing costs are rising. Then the price of finished fabrics will also increase to a certain extent. Some fabric traders have complained to the author“When will the price of gray fabrics drop?”

Yesterday, the author visited the Shengze Market. Xiao Yang, a fabric trader engaged in foreign trade, said that it would be great if the price of fabrics can drop, and he hopes that more contacts can be made by then. List! Xiao Yang is a young man who makes foreign trade orders. He said that gray fabrics have soared and dyeing fees have also increased, creating a double attack. The profit of finished fabrics is greatly reduced. As profits fall, so do employee wages. It will dampen the enthusiasm of employees to work. He said that he was very worried and just hoped that the gray fabric would stop rising, otherwise the pressure on them would be too great!

In short, the price of gray cloth has soared, and some people are happy and others are worried. But those who make finished products don’t have to worry too much, as long as the clouds clear and the moon shines. As long as you persist to the end, the rainbow will appear. </p

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Author: clsrich
