Buy Fabric Fabric News Cotton harvest begins in Aksu region

Cotton harvest begins in Aksu region

In October of the golden autumn, the Aksu region, an important commercial cotton production base in China, ushered in the cotton harvest season. In the past few days, large-scale c…

In October of the golden autumn, the Aksu region, an important commercial cotton production base in China, ushered in the cotton harvest season. In the past few days, large-scale cotton picking machines have shuttled through the cotton fields to pick new cotton.

On October 11, in the cotton field of cotton farmer Ma Kai of Paotogelak Village, Paixianbaibaza Township, Xinhe County, he looked at the large cotton picking machine. The harvested cotton was packed instantly. Ma Kai said happily: It used to take one month to manually pick cotton, but now it can be picked by machine in about three days, which greatly saves time and cotton picking costs.

This year, the cotton planting area in Xinhe County is 795,000 acres, of which 773,000 acres are machine-picked cotton. Since entering the cotton harvest season, the county has actively organized the operation of large-scale cotton pickers, striving to complete all harvest tasks within one month.

Cotton is one of the main sources of income for farmers in the region. This year, the cotton planting area in the region reached 7.5 million acres, of which 6.5074 million acres were machine-picked cotton. The relevant person in charge of the regional agriculture and rural bureau said that in October, as cotton in various places matured, the region organized 897 large-scale cotton pickers to go to the fields for harvesting.

Kuqa City will plant 1.61 million acres of cotton this year, including 1.5 million acres of machine-picked cotton. Thanks to precise sowing and scientific field management, cotton yield and quality are better than in previous years. On October 8, in the 3,000-acre cotton field owned by Ma Xuegang, a major cotton grower in Qaqikum Village, Yaha Town, Kuqa City, two large cotton picking machines were busy picking cotton. It is expected that the harvest will be completed in about 10 days, which is much faster than before. Hand picking takes place nearly two months in advance.

“Cotton harvesting by planting machine is fully mechanized, which is much more labor-saving than manual picking in previous years.” Ma Xuegang said that machine-picked cotton per acre is more efficient than manual picking. The cost saving is about 500 yuan.

In recent years, Kuqa City has continuously improved the modernization, intelligence, and informatization level of agricultural machinery operations. This year, it has adopted a large-scale machine procurement model and strives to complete it by the end of October. Cotton harvest work.


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Author: clsrich
