Buy Fabric Fabric News Smart shoes that guide users in the right direction

Smart shoes that guide users in the right direction

Smart products are growing explosively, and more and more life-related products are becoming smart, such as smart phones, smart watches, smart glasses, etc. Now shoes are starting …

Smart products are growing explosively, and more and more life-related products are becoming smart, such as smart phones, smart watches, smart glasses, etc. Now shoes are starting to become “restless” and want to “speak” and tell Which way is right for you to take! Recently, British airline easyJet released an engineering model of smart sneakers Sneakairs, which can guide users.

This shoe has a built-in GPS positioning sensor that communicates data with the APP in the user’s mobile phone via Bluetooth. When the user enters their destination, the shoe can guide the user in the right direction. The shoes guide users through vibration, thereby liberating people from the screen and greatly increasing user safety. After all, always staring at the screen will affect everyone’s attention and make it difficult to control road safety.

This engineering shoe is currently in the testing phase. Testers wear it and are guided to Barcelona’s iconic buildings and attractions, such as Gaudí’s La Pedrera and Casa Batlló.

As an aviation company, easyJet has been providing users with a full range of services. If this smart sports shoe is mass-produced, it may be of great help to people’s travels. At present, the launch time and price of this product have not been announced.

Source: IngDan

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Author: clsrich
